eg: Memorial Scholarship
eg: Accounting, Nursing, Computer Science
eg: University of Toronto
eg: National Union

Lakehead University - Thunder Bay

View: By Subject  |  By Program

Social and Behavioural Sciences and Law

Aboriginal Education Bachelor; Honours
Anthropology Bachelor
Anthropology Bachelor; Honours
Economics Bachelor
Economics Bachelor; Honours
Gender and Women's Studies Bachelor; Honours
Gender and Women's Studies Bachelor
Geoarchaeology Bachelor
Geoarchaeology Bachelor; Honours
Geography Bachelor; Honours
Geography Bachelor
Geography (BSc) Bachelor; Honours
Geography (BSc) Bachelor
Indigenous Language Instructor's Program Diploma
Indigenous Learning Bachelor
Indigenous Learning Bachelor; Honours
Indigenous Transition Year Program Not Applicable
Law Bachelor
Political Science Bachelor
Political Science Bachelor; Honours
Psychology Bachelor; Honours
Psychology Bachelor
Resource and Environmental Economics Bachelor; Honours
Sociology Bachelor
Sociology Bachelor; Honours

Humanities and Languages

English Bachelor
English Bachelor; Honours
General Arts Bachelor; Online
General Arts Bachelor
General Science Bachelor
History Bachelor; Online
History Bachelor
History Bachelor; Honours
Indigenous Language Instructor's Program Diploma
Lakehead Arts One Bachelor
Lakehead Science One Bachelor
Languages Bachelor; Honours
Philosophy Bachelor
Philosophy Bachelor; Honours

Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies

Applied Life Sciences Bachelor; Honours
Bioinformatics Bachelor; Honours
Biology Bachelor
Biology Bachelor; Honours
Chemistry Bachelor; Honours
Geology Bachelor; Honours
Natural Science Bachelor
Physics Bachelor; Co-op; Honours
Physics Bachelor
Physics Bachelor; Honours
Water Resource Science Bachelor; Honours

Architecture, Engineering, and Related Technologies

Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences

Computer Science Bachelor
Computer Science Bachelor; Co-op
Computer Science Bachelor; Honours
Computer Science Bachelor; Co-op; Honours
Mathematics (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Mathematics (BA) Bachelor
Mathematics (BSc) Bachelor
Mathematics (BSc) Bachelor; Honours

Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation

Environmental Management Bachelor; Honours
Environmental Management Bachelor; Co-op; Honours
Environmental Studies Bachelor; Honours
Forestry Bachelor; Honours
Forestry Bachelor; Co-op; Honours
Natural Resources Management Bachelor; Honours
Resource and Environmental Economics Bachelor; Honours

Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness

Kinesiology Bachelor; Co-op; Honours
Kinesiology Bachelor; Honours
Medicine Doctorate
Nursing (Collaborative) Bachelor
Nursing (Compressed) Bachelor
Outdoor Recreation, Parks & Tourism Bachelor; Honours

Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies

Music Bachelor; Honours
Music (BA) Bachelor; Honours
Visual Arts Bachelor
Visual Arts Bachelor; Honours


Business, Management and Public Administration

Business Administration Bachelor
Business Commerce Bachelor; Co-op; Honours
Social Work Bachelor; Honours