Forestry professionals research, plan, administer, and direct forestry management/harvesting programs; conduct forestry education/extension programs; and act as consultants on forestry issues.
Forestry professionals perform some or all of the following duties:
Plan and direct forest surveys and related studies and prepare reports and recommendations;
Establish short- and long-term plans for management of forest lands and forest resources;
Plan and direct woodlands harvesting, reforestation, silviculture and fire prevention and fire suppression programs, road building, wildlife management, environmental protection and insect and vegetation control programs;
Negotiate terms and conditions of agreements and contracts for forest harvesting, forest management and leasing of forest lands;
Monitor contract compliance and results of forestry activities;
Ensure adherence to government regulations and company objectives;
Plan and conduct public relations programs, and education and extension programs related to forestry;
Develop and oversee programs for tree seedling production and woodlands nursery operations;
Conduct advanced research in the areas of tree improvement, nursery seedling production, forest soils, forest ecology, forest mensuration, forest operations and other areas;
Provide advice and recommendations, as a consultant on forestry issues, to private woodlot owners, municipal, provincial or federal governments or to companies.
Consulting Forester
District Forester
Forest Engineer
Forestry Technologist
Professional Forester
Regional Inventory Officer - Forestry
Registered Professional Forester (RPF)
Here are some schools that have programs related to this career: