eg: Memorial Scholarship
eg: Accounting, Nursing, Computer Science
eg: University of Toronto
eg: National Union

Education Counsellors

(NOC 4143)


Educational counsellors work for school boards, in elementary/high schools, universities, colleges, technical institutes, correctional facilities, and government agencies.

Elementary school counsellors usually provide more social/personal counselling than do high school counsellors who provide more vocational/academic counselling.

Educational counsellors in post-secondary institutions and other places usually specialize in academic, personal, social or career/vocational counselling.


Here are the average annual salaries.
2010: $67,267
2005: $56,285

Earnings Notes

Educational counsellors (NOC 4033) usually earn between $23.80/hour and $50.00/hour in Canada.

Modified on January 26, 2022