BluEarth Renewables Celebrates Their 2023 Scholarship Recipients

Our scholarship program is an important part of our commitment to giving back to the communities where we live, work, and operate. In addition to financial support, this scholarship offers a unique opportunity for recipients to be paired with a BluEarth Renewables learning partner for the academic year to provide support and mentorship, while learning more about renewable energy.

Meet our 2023/24 scholarship recipients below.

Recipients of the Indigenous Peoples Scholarship

Sierra Lewis

My name is Sierra Lewis, and I am proud to be an Indigenous woman from the Squamish Nation’s Unceded Coast Salish territory, located in British Columbia. I would like to acknowledge that I am on the traditional territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən-speaking people whose historical cultures relate to the land today.

This scholarship provides major financial help since I am currently enrolled in my first year of a Master’s of Social Work at the University of Victoria, and especially because I had to leave my full-time employment to fully focus on my studies. Next year, I intend to conduct an Indigenous-focused study and work closely with Indigenous communities in Victoria, B.C. I would particularly like to work with the Sooke Nation, which is a leader in solar energy and provides renewable energy to their nation. In the future, I hope to collaborate with this community to determine how I can utilize and offer this knowledge to benefit my home community.

Huy chexw (Thank you), BluEarth Renewables.

Emma Schmidt

Hello, my name is Emma and I’m a first-year student studying Energy Systems Engineering at the University of Regina. From a young age, I was a curious person who always enjoyed investigating how and why something operated. This desire to understand, and more so, to innovate has led me to pursue and explore energy systems engineering. This career route allows me to create sustainability within energy production, which ultimately protects our environment. The scholarship I received from BluEarth Renewables greatly impacts my ability to focus on my studies so I can succeed in accomplishing my part in fighting climate change and helping in the transition to a sustainable energy future.

Every day, I strive to brighten peoples’ days and implement habits that protect the Earth to create a greener future. For this reason, I am a member of several organizations in my community and in high school I took part in several groups and sports. In addition to being an active extra-curricular member, I was immersed in my studies. As a result, I was honoured when I received the Excellence in Science Award, SRC Major Award, French honours, academic honour roll, and MVP in three sports.

As an Indigenous female, I find it important to share my passion about science and my goal to leave a positive impact on the world with youth. During the summer, I worked with EYES (Educating Youth in Engineering and Science) at a summer camp to inspire youth to be interested in science and engineering. EYES recognizes the 30 by 30 initiative and has only girl groups in the camp to involve more females in STEM.

Thank you, BluEarth Renewables, I am extremely grateful for being the recipient of your scholarship.

Recipients of the Community Leaders Scholarship

Kherto Ahmed

Hello! My name is Kherto Ahmed. I am currently studying Life Sciences at McMaster University. In Arabic, my name means goodness, and I have aspired to abide by this. I don’t necessarily mean I desire to be the greatest of all time; however, I strive to challenge myself in empowering ways that foster continuous development.

Being a first-generation student and the eldest of seven children, I have embraced roles ranging from a mentor to a caregiver, shaping my empathetic and responsible nature. Taking on a multitude of experiences and responsibilities, I would describe myself as a lifelong learner. Eager to acquire new skills, I have always been intrigued by studying new topics and analyzing the dynamic nature of the world around me.

Receiving the BluEarth scholarship represents more than just financial assistance, it’s a validation of my efforts and a beacon of hope toward achieving my goals. My passion for renewable energy stems from a deep-rooted commitment to environmental sustainability and a desire to contribute to a cleaner, more efficient world. I intend to apply my education in life sciences to explore innovative solutions in renewable energy, particularly in areas that intersect with biological systems and sustainable practices.

Trista Greenslade

Hi, my name is Trista Greenslade, and I’m a first-year student at the University of Calgary studying Natural Science. Being a recipient of the 2023/2024 Community Leaders Scholarship means I can work towards my professional and personal goals with the support of BluEarth Renewables.

This scholarship helps fast track my education, as I want to get out of school and get into a position where I can support my family and the community. I’m currently working towards becoming an athletic therapist and equine massage therapist in hopes I can give back to horses and people what they have given to me. By helping the community stay healthy, and mobile I believe it will help my community thrive economically. I look forward to working with the BluEarth Renewables through their mentorship program and moving forward with their financial support.

Karter Deedman

Hello! My name is Karter Deedman and I’m a third-year student studying Social Work with a minor in Indigenous Studies at Trent University. The Community Leaders Scholarship will help me pay for the mandatory crisis intervention trainings I have to complete in addition to class for my program. This scholarship will also help with costs of living and the cost of training and caring for my service dog in training, Cosmo.

In the future, I plan to go into environmental social work and social policy, where I hope to enact policy changes to advance the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. I have aspirations of enacting strong climate policy that will rapidly curve emissions while ensuring a just transition of workers from the oil and gas industry into the renewable energy sector. I’m also passionate about Indigenous rights and believe that creating respectful relationships between the renewable energy industry and Indigenous communities is essential to a sustainable and environmentally just future. Currently as the president of the Trent Peterborough-Nogojiwanong Social Work Society, I push for a greater awareness of environmental social work within the field. Recently, I’ve been working to reduce fast fashion and fabric waste by holding a warm clothing drive where all clothes will go back to unhoused people in Peterborough.

Quinn Maness

Hello, I’m Quinn! I grew up and graduated high school in the small Southwestern U.S. town of Cortez, Colorado. This fall I started working on my Bachelor’s of Engineering degree with a focus on Electrical Systems through the Fulton School of Engineering at Arizona State University’s Polytechnic Campus in Mesa, Arizona. I’m also working on a certificate in energy and sustainability due to my strong interest in renewable, sustainable, and alternative energy. My long-term career goal is to be employed as an energy engineer. This career suits me well as it’s my personal goal to one day play an integral part of an increased transition to more forms of renewable energy.

Through my education, I’ll gain knowledge, skills, and an understanding of the technologies needed to make our planet a healthier and more sustainable place to live. Once I graduate from college with my chosen degree, I’m confident that I will be well prepared to contribute to my career objective of working in a position where I’ll have a role in increased energy efficiency, renewable energy, and green building design and construction.

It means very much to me to have been selected for the BluEarth Renewables’ Community Leader Scholarship. Contributing to the betterment of our planet and my community is important to me. The financial assistance that this scholarship offers me is invaluable as it will help me reach my education and career goals as well as help relieve the stress of paying for college. Thank you, BluEarth Renewables!

Recipients of the Renewable Energy Trades Scholarship

Declan Kinch

Hi! My name is Declan Kinch, and I am enrolled in the Wind Turbine Technician program at Holland College in Prince Edward Island. Working in wind energy is a family affair, as my father worked as a technician and in technical support in Canada, the US and Europe for 17 years, and my mother works at the wind research, testing and advancement institute here in PEI. Although there are many opportunities to enter the renewable energy sector without any specific training, I wanted to ensure I was prepared for the varied demands that are required in the field and to be prepared with what the sites are expecting of their employees.

The program I am taking teaches me what I need to know to troubleshoot, repair, and maintain the turbines. After graduation, I hope to gain experience from working on new wind facilities across Canada for a few years before returning to PEI to continue my career at one of the existing sites. It’s a growing industry with new technological advancements each year, and I look forward to being part of it and helping to produce clean energy.

I am grateful to have been awarded BluEarth’s Renewables Energy Trades Scholarship this year. This will enable me to focus on my education and allow me to continue volunteering in my community as a minor hockey coach and assisting at our community’s senior meal drives. Thank you again to BluEarth Renewables for providing me with this gift to further my education goals.

Ruben Patrick Lopez

Hello! My name is Ruben Patrick Lopez, and I’m currently studying to be a Wind Turbine Technician. I will be graduating in the Spring of 2024 and am starting a co-op in early December as an entry-level technician while I finish my studies over the next semester. This scholarship will help me financially, as I move away from my hometown to begin work while continuing the completion of my degree remotely. My wife and I are both graduating from the same program and have been lucky enough to be hired by the same company for our co-op. We plan to build our foundations as technicians this year, and then grow into further roles where we could best support the industry.

One thing I would like to note that I have found in my education thus far is that a strong work ethic and an ambitious mindset can carry an individual through the broadest of challenges. At the beginning of my studies, I was able to excel quickly because I always spent extra time to prepare myself, study, etc. I would like to someday offer the same kind of outreach and help newcomers to the renewable energy industry to feel empowered and supported in developing their careers.

Our scholarship program is designed to support, educate and inspire the next generation of leaders and professionals who have the power to change the future. We have three scholarship categories to help you achieve your education goals.

The scholarship application window will close on September 15.

Apply for a BluEarth Renewables Scholarship today