October Release Notes for Students

October is the scariest month of the year, and while the green leaves change to orange, red, and gold, we've been busy working indoors on the latest SFG release. Take a look at what we've been up to this month on SchoolFinder.com, StudyinCanada.com, and ScholarshipsCanada.com!

Browse scholarship categories

We've developed a new landing page to help students on ScholarshipsCanada.com find scholarships relevant to them. Accessible via the top bar from anywhere on the site, the Browse Scholarships page includes some of the most popular searches, making it easier than ever to find scholarships for women, science students, Black students — you name it.

The full list of categories as it stands right now:

More categories are sure to join these in the future.

Events page redesign

We've refined the Events pages on SchoolFinder.com and StudyinCanada.com. Previously, we had a functional (if bland) layout that was essentially just a table of entries. Now, we've got a fancy tile-based layout that fits more naturally alongside other pages like school and program results. We've even added a search bar to make sorting events more convenient. You can search by school name, or your field of study!

You can look forward to these changes making their way to ScholarshipsCanada.com in the near future, too.

New handout in the Counsellor Toolbox

We've also developed a new handout to support the hard work of high school guidance counsellors.

The latest addition to the ever-growing Counsellor Toolbox is a three page PDF on How to Successfully Market Yourself in Applications. Students often stress about writing the perfect personal statement for school admissions or scholarships — here, we've distilled our best advice for making a good impression through your writing.

Of course, we've also been squashing bugs and improving site features behind the scenes — so if you don't even notice, that's perfect!

Now, we're focused on the November release, which should include even better scholarship browsing options, event page improvements, and more. If you've got suggestions for features or fixes, please give us a shout at info@schoolfindergroup.com. We'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading. See you next month.