Photo by Cottonbro from Pexels.

Photo credit: Cottonbro from Pexels

Can you believe it's almost September already? It feels like the summer flew by! School will be starting in just a couple of weeks and now's the best time to prepare yourself so can start the year off on the right note! Try these five tips to get yourself ready for school:

1. Change your sleep schedule BEFORE going back to school

Likely over the summer you've got used to going to bed late and sleeping in. Getting up early for class is going to be a huge shock to the system, unless you start preparing now.

Pro Tip: Make the transition easier by switching to your “university schedule” (plan for 8-10 hours of sleep) a few days before you go back to get used to it. Not only will you be able to really pay attention in class when you're well rested, but you'll likely be more fun for your friends to hang out with.

2. Ask questions

Make a mental note to ask lots of questions when you are back at university. Take every opportunity to interact with your professors and ask them about the best way to tackle a problem or an assignment. Speak up in class if you are lost or need something explained again — chances are that other students will also be lost and will thank you for asking.

You should also ask about campus services (including career counselling, mental health services, and general student services), and find out how you can access them when needed. Ask about clubs and associations, too — clubs are a chance to develop existing interests and ideas, explore new ones, and meet like-minded people.

3. Organize your time

Decide how you are going to organize your time and remember to keep a balance. If you're studying full-time, then your studies should be centre stage, so you need to accept the fact that you won't be on call 24/7 for your friends and can't attend every party. However, socializing, exercise, and 'me time' are important — so schedule them in to give yourself a break from studying.

If you're also adding a part-time job to your schedule during your studies, then you'll need to get a routine in place. Make sure you're still prioritizing your studies and have enough time to complete your assignments. You don't want to schedule too many shifts at work that it starts to impact the quality of your schoolwork.

4. Manage your finances

Unless you are lucky enough to have your parents support you through university, you'll probably need to rely on student loans, scholarships, or working a part-time job.

Pro Tip: Check out what financial aid is available through the federal or provincial government; for example, the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), StudentAid BC, and check the ScholarshipsCanada site.

5. Start building your resumé

What will give you that competitive edge when you apply for a job on graduating? What skills or experience will interest a future employer? As the world becomes more global, one of the key skills employers are seeking is the ability to work with diverse stakeholders across cultural barriers.

Pro Tip: consider studying abroad for an exchange, a year abroad, or a whole Master's degree. According to studies, students who have studied abroad find it easier to find a job, start on higher salaries and are promoted quicker.

Visit the Fall 2024 Study and Go Abroad / SchoolFinder Fairs in Montréal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary from October 17-27 to meet with universities and colleges from across the globe to start planning for a Master's or a short-term program abroad. Registration is free!

Learn more about the Study and Go Abroad / SchoolFinder Fairs